
Showing posts from January, 2018


Hello! My name is Kayla Irizarry and I am currently a fourth year illustration student. Like many of us I grew up really enjoying novels along with movies such as Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia, to name a few. I do find it very interesting and inspiring to see how wonderful books such as these come to life on the screen. With this course (Literature and Media Studies), I am exited to explore new novels and to learn from other students perspectives.

Week 1: The Wife of Bath's Prologue and The Wife of Bath's Tale

In this Prologue and story we learn about a woman, her life as a wife , along with her views on subjects such as marriage. Going into the tale we read about a knight and his experiences and he try's to learn what woman want in marriage. In both The Wife of Bath's Prologue  and  The Wife of Bath's Tale although I do not agree are like parts or subjects of this readings particularly I did think this read was interesting to read and know what went on in this period of time. I do believe in relationships, there should be unity with one another, to truly love and serve one another. In comparing certain subjects that came from this reading, such as how woman are being viewed and comparing them from how things are today, it is very interesting to see things have improved and shifted in certain subjects. I think one positive thing readers can take from this reading, is thinking about this subject or how woman are treated with much more respect and freedom from the earlier times ...